Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, Virginia made the right decision! My vote actually made a difference! The system works!

Praise God, that's all I can say...

History has been made today, and wow, just... wow. They used to say it couldn't be done. 400 years ago, 100 years ago, even 75 years ago no one would have ever expected this to happen. I'm more excited than anything. There will DEFINITELY be a party when I go home after finals.

President elect Barack Obama... the world is going to be very different now. Call it a feeling, but it's true! Maybe there really is some hope out there. And furthermore, maybe one person really can make a difference, even me..

The only sad thing about today is that I wish my grandaddy were here to see it. I know he's looking down on this and smiling, but I know this would've meant the world to him...
We did it abuelo, we did it.

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